Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Third Trimester Happenings

Saturday's wedding 

how far along: 29 Weeks, 3 Days

size of the baby: a pineapple or acorn squash. basically, she's getting big

baby is: moving a tiny bit less, which i attribute to the fact that she's getting bigger and outgrowing her space in the womb.

movement: oh yeah. she gets hiccups after my morning smoothie, she kicks me and wiggles while i'm laying down trying to sleep. she just moves a lot.

gender: a baby girl. i haven't bought her anything in a while, i may need to get to target to pick out some new cute outfits.

total weight gain: i went to the doctor last week and i was actually down 2 pounds from my previous appointment. the doctor was concerned but i'm not. i think their scales are wrong! i think i'm up 13 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight and about 17 pounds from first trimester weight (where i lost weight due to nausea and vomiting)

symptoms: the same as last week, heartburn and sciatic nerve pain.

stretch marks: definitely on my hips and thighs, i'm lathering the cream on those in the morning though now so hopefully they won't get any worse.

maternity clothes: yes and no. it's finally gotten hot and sunny this week where i live and so i can wear some non maternity dresses. i'm going away again this weekend and it's going to be warm. i'll have to bring my maternity pants and just suck it up i guess.

sleep: sleep is hard. my pregnancy pillow is no longer as comfortable as it was 2 months ago. i might switch to just a pillow between my knees and see how that goes.

missing: sleeping on my stomach. i'm a stomach sleeper, what can i say, and i just can't get comfortable at night.

cravings/aversions: since it's been hot out, i always want some ice water. other than that, i'm fine. just cool fruits and vegetables.

cries: i don't think so? i have no memory anymore.

Jesse is: busy. we've been taking a lot of time off on the weekends to do other things (beach trip, wedding, Cleveland trip) so we haven't been focused on working to get her nursery ready. i think once June hits, and we realize we have exactly 2 months until her arrival, he will feel more inclined to work.

best moments: the weather definitely. it has finally stopped raining after weeks of non stop cloudiness and drizzle. i can drive with the windows down and finally feel good about my hair again.

not so best moment: Saturday's wedding. the wedding was a fun time, but we got home really late after being out all day and my body totally turned on me. i woke up at 6:30am after falling asleep after 1am and threw up. Sunday I just had to stay in pajamas all day.

looking forward to: Cleveland this weekend. it'll be a short trip, but i'm looking forward to trying out a new city and a ton of new restaurants, spending time with my family and seeing the O's play. then it's officially June, which is baby shower month and father's day, then July which is another wedding of close friends, then holy crap she's due!

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