Thursday, March 1, 2018

Life Updates!

Seeing as it is March 1, 2018 and I haven't blogged in months, I think I'll do monthly updates to remind myself of how fast Nina is growing and how life is changing.

It was a good but very busy Christmas. We saw a ton of family and carted Nina everywhere and by 12/26 I was ready to pass out from all the festivities!

We celebrated three birthdays in the last two months, my niece's 6th birthday and my nephew and I have the same birthday. He turned 2 and I turned 29. Yikes, only 1 more year until the big 3-0.

My nephew's birthday was at a firehouse! So fun!
Nina has been off and on sick, honestly since late September. She had hand foot and mouth disease, roseola, and plenty of colds. I CANNOT wait until spring and summer when we can have the windows open and air out this house!

We finally broke Nina of the bottle a couple weeks ago. She would only drink milk from a bottle (no matter how many sippy cups we tried), but the pediatrician suggested we cut that off at 18 months. So we did. She doesn't drink nearly as much milk now, but at least her teeth are saved?

Part of our family (Jesse's brother and his wife and their two children) decided to move down to Florida for a job and we miss them terribly already.

Nina LOVES all things "ousside" as she calls it. Slides, swings, running, kicking balls, carrying sticks. Anything and everything. We have been outside every halfway pleasant day the last two months just praying and praying for better weather.

The first really warm day

Picks up every single piece of mulch ever