Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Chuggin' Along!

I sort of wish this was more descriptive, I may be looking into a new app. (from Ovia Pregnancy app)

how far along: 16 weeks, 3 days

size of the baby: a dill pickle, delicious!

baby is: 3.5 oz this week and can probably hear my voice when I speak!

movement: None :(, I keep waiting for it, trying to keep very still in bed, but still nothing. I have to keep reminding myself that it is early and I need to be patient.

gender: I could find out! I could pay a woman in our town to perform an ultrasound and know the gender. But Jesse wants to wait until I'm 20 weeks and our doctor will do it, so I'll wait.

total weight gain: Actually nothing according to my home scale. I go to the doctor tomorrow though so I may have gained a pound or two. We will see.

symptoms: headaches and heartburn. I take Tums for my heartburn, which usually happens after dinner. I drink as much water as I can, but going to the bathroom 8 times a day is getting annoying.

stretch marks: None that I can see, I don't look for them though. I am so into being pregnant and a mother, if I get a stretch mark, so be it.

maternity clothes: I still have my maternity leggings and I still love them. But the weather where I live is creeping back into springtime. I'm hoping it warms up soon and I can get away with dresses more often. I've also started using the hair tie trick with my jeans.
sleep: Still good. Nothing to complain about really. I use my pregnancy pillow and it's fine.

missing: Not much. Though I was thinking about my first sip of alcohol after I give birth and that sounded good, hah!

cravings/aversions: MM chocolate milk and potatoes. I have to have chocolate milk every day, I just crave it so hard. I had a Nestle's chocolate milk from the gas station yesterday and it tasted just like the 10th grade, it was awesome.

cries: Oh the cries, I tear up all the time. I was watching the Disney tribute and Kermit the frog was singing the rainbow connection and I just burst into tears. Jesse was so alarmed!

Jesse is: doing well. We are working on getting the house de-cluttered and he talked about clearing out the soon-to-be nursery, which is so awesome!

best moments: Hmmm, probably will be tomorrow. I have my 16 week appointment and I'm sure we'll get to listen to the heartbeat again which is going to be so nice on my birthday!

not so best moment: the headaches. I am so sensitive as it is, I'm even more so now with this pregnancy. And not showing. It's giving me anxiety. I know I'm getting bigger, because I can feel my body rejecting my tight jeans, but I'm nowhere near showing like a pregnant woman.

looking forward to: My appointment tomorrow. I want to hear the heartbeat and schedule our 20 week ultrasound, I'll really have something to look forward to then!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


how far along: 15 weeks, 3 days

size of the baby: an avocado! Which seems so big to me, but in reality is very small.

baby is: finished forming its genitalia! I would love to find out now what the gender is, but I believe the doctor will have us wait until I am 20 weeks to do the full anatomy scan.

movement: None yet. I've had people ask, but I don't think I've felt anything. I also don't know what I'm really feeling for.

gender: Ugh too soon to know! I want to know so badly, I feel like I'll connect even more with the baby once I know the gender and can feel it move around.

total weight gain: None that I can tell. My scale at home still says the same thing. I have an appointment next week so I'll see if I've gained anything and how much.

symptoms: headaches, abdominal pain, hunger. I've had a headache for 4 days straight, but that might be due to dehydration. I don't think I'm getting enough water, though I drink a ton.

stretch marks: I'm definitely going to get some on my boobs. I know it. They're getting bigger and itching.

maternity clothes: Yaaasss. I bought some maternity leggings at Target and they are so comfortable. I think I'll go shopping with my mom next month for some more maternity clothes. 
sleep: Sleep is good. Usually I'm pretty tired by 9-10pm and I sleep well, only getting up once to pee. Then I sleep until my alarm. The afternoons I get sleepy, but I find that if I get up and walk around, I'm ok.

missing: Nothing really. I eat what I want basically, except for soft cheeses. I've eaten lunchmeat. I eat medium steaks. 

cravings/aversions: Still chocolate milk. I love the stuff. Also steaks and potatoes. Potatoes any way are great. I love most starches, potatoes, pasta, rice.

cries: Not so much lately. I get down every now and then, but I don't cry as much anymore.

Jesse is: good! I told him I need some maternity leggings and he said, OK dear. He didn't even flinch. It was great.

best moments: maternity leggings, eating food at meal times. My nightly glass of chocolate milk is great too!

not so best moment: this lingering headache. I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm trying to drink a bunch of water and I'll probably change my contacts soon.

looking forward to: My belly and my appointment next week. It's on my birthday and I want all to go well. I don't think I'll have an ultrasound, but I can at least hear the heartbeat!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

14 Weeks & Counting!

I am 14 weeks and 3 days today and feeling groovy!

how far along: 14 weeks, 3 days

size of the baby: a beet! Or a troll doll, or a mouse!

baby is: growing! I'm getting round ligament pain, which I'm taking as a good sign. Hopefully I'll pop out soon and really look pregnant.

movement: still too early for me. I've heard of people feeling as early as 12 weeks, but I am the rule, not the exception.

gender: not sure yet. Part of me still thinks it's a girl, but the other part is like, Jess, you have no idea.

total weight gain: Not sure? Since my last appointment I had gained 2 pounds. But I don't track myself. I feel bigger though.

symptoms: HUNGER. Oh dear the hunger. I wake up hungry, at 10:30 I'm hungry, at 12:30 I'm hungry, at 2:30 I'm hungry, on and on and on. I can never eat enough to feel hungry for more than 4 hours it seems.

stretch marks: Not that I can see. My larger-ish body is so prepared for this baby!

maternity clothes: None yet. I'd love to buy some maternity leggings, but that's just because my stomach is uncomfortable in the old ones. I have a feeling as soon as I pop, I'll want them no matter what.
sleep: Ah sleep. I love you. I get tired around 5:30-6 now and want to fall asleep on the couch but stop myself. Then by 9pm, I'm ready for sleeping. I usually sleep for 8.5-9 hours at night too.

missing: Nothing at the moment. Just food. I want all the food and I miss it as soon as it's eaten hah.

cravings/aversions: Craving chocolate milk. MMMMM YUM. I drink a large glass of it before I go to sleep at night. It helps me to feel full all night and not wake up with nausea. I'm into Asian food as well right now, I made chicken with cashews last night and it was very good. Something about the tangy sauces, it's not very rich and no cheese (because I miss bleu cheese and feta and brie a lot)

cries: Definitely. I get in these moods and I just have to cry. I'll feel teary and crappy until I let it all out. I also cry at songs and anything to do with a mother's love for a child. I just can't even handle how much I love and worry about my child.

Jesse is: doing well. I'm feeling better so he is being better. He isn't as worried about me and what I'm eating or drinking. Mostly he's worried about finances and making sure we are saving enough.

best moments: Going a couple days without throwing up. My record is 4 so far. Trying to get that number up though. Also, announcing our pregnancy! We took photos with my friend last week and we announced on Saturday. It was so fun and I love all the pictures. I'm just so happy we can finally say it!

not so best moment: Eating too much (as if that's a thing). I sort of gorged myself at Red Lobster last week, think 3 biscuits, salad, coconut shrimp, potatoes. I felt awful the whole night, fell asleep at 9pm and threw up the next morning. I need to eat better than that, and not wait to eat anymore. 

looking forward to: Popping out! Getting to wear maternity clothes and meeting my nephew. My sister-in-law is due in a couple weeks and I seriously cannot wait to meet the booger and hold him and imagine the cousins playing together and growing up with each other.