Friday, May 15, 2015


Man, I never thought Friday would come this week.  And now here it is! We have a couple of things planned for this weekend, but I know they will all be fun stuff!

Three Wishes
1. I'm back into reading. Reading is an all or nothing thing for me. When I find a book, I'm immersed, reading constantly, finishing in a couple of days. Then I can't wait to soak up another one. But every few months or so, I can't stand the thought of reading. I'm just not into books! But the start of this summer, I want all the books I can get my hands on. I've recently finished reading Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty.  It was AWESOME. I finished it in one day. I can't wait to get started on her other books.  More on my list include, the Shopaholic series (just as a light read for the summer/beach), The Girl on the Train, and Jan Karon's new book coming out in September!

2. I'm going to make donuts this weekend.  I got such an urge to bake and came across Pioneer Woman's donut recipe. It looks difficult, but I think if I can just take my time with it, I'll be enjoying some delicious homemade glazed donuts!

3. One week from now I will be packing us up, getting ready to go to the beach!

4. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are officially moved into their new house. And guess what? It's a 5 minute walk from ours! We've been other there every day since!

5. My parents.  Unfortunately my grandfather passed away on Monday after battling various illnesses for many years. I am so fortunate to have both my parents still living and in pretty good health. I think maybe the silver lining of this tragedy is that I continue to deeply appreciate my parents.  I love them!


  1. You had me litterly shout out loud "OH MY GOODNESS!" when I read that Jan Karon had another book coming out soon!!! I adore the Mitford series and reread them once a year or so. I haven't yet read last year's book because I wanted to read through them all again, but I need to get on this!! I just read the description of latest one - so excited!

    I'm the same way with books, too. I just read read read, and then boycott them for months... Hope those donuts turn out yummy - I'm sure they will! And so sorry to hear about your grandma's passing. You're so right, with death, there comes an appreciation for life.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Katie @ Cup of Tea

    1. I love the Mitford series! I seriously thought I was the only "young" adult that enjoyed them! They're so heartwarming!

      And thank you, we were very sad, but it wasn't unexpected and I think there is definitely peace in knowing he lived a full life.

      Have a great week!
