Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Almost Halfway!

how far along: 18 weeks, 3 days

size of the baby: a sweet potato, or about 7 inches long and 6.7 oz!

baby is: getting presents! In the last 4 days we've received a blanket, a towel, onesies, binkies, and some hand me downs from my sister-in-law who just had her baby about 2 weeks ago.

movement: still nothing. People keep telling me to lay down and stay very still and I may be able to feel something. I always forget to when I'm falling asleep at night.

gender: I think girl, Jesse thinks boy. He is totally on board now about finding out in 2 weeks though, because we can't seem to agree on a name and it will be easier when we only have to think of one gender.

total weight gain: Still 3 pounds. 3 pounds in 18 weeks ain't so bad, right?

symptoms: mostly just the heartburn. I take tums for it or drink chocolate milk and it soothes my throat from the acid reflux. I have been incorporating food into my diet, like feta cheese. I know you aren't supposed to, but I figure a little here and there won't hurt.

stretch marks: None! though I did notice some pretty harsh looking spider veins and I'm using belly cream.

maternity clothes: this one has been tough.  It is getting significantly warmer where I live, but not enough for me to feel comfortable wearing dresses again. So I'm making due with the belly band that just annoys me by the end of the day.
sleep: Pretty good. I sleep well and wake up earlier now, but I'm still waking up in the middle of the night to pee.

missing: maybe a touch of alcohol? The weather is warming which makes me want a cold cider or margarita, but other than that, really nothing.

cravings/aversions: extreme salty/sweet. I want chocolate milk that's sweet and cold, but I also want really salty chips or olives.

cries: not that I can really remember, though I haven't felt happy. I'm not sure why.

Jesse is: actually very sweet. I popped out my belly the other night while I was laying down and he could feel my stomach where the baby is and he kissed it. So cute.

best moments: just all around feeling good and being able to eat and sleep and enjoy the warm weather.

not so best moment: some tension with Jesse. We've fallen into a bit of a rut with our lives and it's taking its toll.  We're just so obsessed with working to save money and we haven't had fun in a while. 

looking forward to: Still 3/23! Only one more update until then!

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