Friday, July 22, 2016

Any Day Now?

how far along: 37 Weeks, 5 Days

due date: August 7th. 16 days left and 9.5 months pregnant at this point. Any day now baby girl, you feel free to make your appearance.

size of the baby: a large melon, or probably between 6-7 pounds. at my doctor's appointment this week, the nurse practitioner said by looking at me, she thinks she will be around 8 pounds.

baby is: building her nerve connections, which will help her learn in the future.

movement: yes. it's slowed down this week, and mostly it is due to the fact that she is simply out of room, and hopefully moving down into position. i will be checked at my next appointment and i can't wait to see what they say. even if i have no real progress at that point, it will be a good reference.

gender: baby girl.

total weight gain: unofficially, 25 pouinds. i was 177 at the doctors on Wednesday, but still 174 on my home scale in the mornings. so i'm saying 25 pounds.

stretch marks: eh, just the few on the tops of my thighs, not concerning. i do rub the cream though after my showers and i notice my belly gets itchy by the end of the day.

symptoms: just basically being uncomfortable and in pain. i have had contractions every day, but i believe them to be braxton hicks. they happen 10-15 times, but nothing in a pattern that is easily tracked.

wedding rings on or off: off for good.

belly button in or out: still flush with the rest of my stomach. i don't expect it to pop.

maternity clothes: today at work I am in yoga pants and a t-shirt. I literally have 4-5 outfits I can wear that still fit. 
sleep: last night wasn't the worst for the first time in weeks.

missing: a pain free life! have you ever watched a show about overweight and obese people that say that extra weight physically hurts? it does.

cravings/aversions: chocolate milk always

cries: mm i almost cried the other day. work has been really stressful this week because my boss is on vacation so i am picking up the slack. i just want to be relaxing!

nursery: pretty much done. i ordered some shelves for her books and things, they should arrive monday and jesse will hang them. i might take another crack at those canvases, we will see.

Jesse is: planning! last night we talked about what we would do when i go into labor, who he would contact, and where to meet when i call him.

best moments: i suppose the good reports i've gotten at the doctors. i am so very lucky to have had such an uneventful pregnancy so far.

not so best moments: physical pain. and still working honestly. when you're this pregnant, you just kind of want to go home and pretend nothing exists but you and your baby.

looking forward to: her being here! i will be 38 weeks on Sunday and i'm just counting down the days until I hit 40. If I hit 40!

next appointment: Tuesday 7/26. they are going to check me at this appointment! 

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