Wednesday, June 15, 2016

8 Months and Feeling Big

how far along: 32 Weeks, 3 Days. Every time I gain a new week, I really lose a week! I'm running out of time before her due date. Technically, 7 weeks and 4 days until her due date, but it feels like no time at all!

due date: August 7th
size of the baby: 19 inches and roughly 3.9 lbs. We have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, I'll be able to know her weight and length!

baby is: head down. i can feel her hiccups right at the bottom of my belly and base of my uterus. i'm hoping she is positioned correctly so that we don't have to worry about her turning or a c-section!

movement: this morning I woke up to pee (of course) and laid back down and didn't feel her. everything was very silent. i felt really scared, but had to reassure myself that hopefully she's sleeping! i have felt her since then, but i'm definitely freaking myself out all the time about it.
gender: Baby Girl Case is going to be named soon I can feel it!
total weight gain: this morning I weighed 167, my highest. that means up 17 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight and 23 pounds from the first trimester.

stretch marks: this morning it seemed the tops of my thighs had faded stretch marks. i haven't noticed any on my belly (knock on wood)

symptoms: reflux was not bad yesterday, win! other than that, just constantly needing to pee, and the belly feeling heavy, which results in a lot of upper back pain.

wedding rings on or off: on during the day. usually in the summertime, my rings feel tight by the end of the day. they're really feeling tight now and i take them off as soon as i get home for the night.

belly button in or out: my innie is hanging "in" there. 
maternity clothes: remember last week? when i said i was getting away with non-maternity shirts? no longer. i tried on 6 different shirts Monday morning before I settled for a maternity shirt and called it a day.
sleep: not really. i'm still getting a good 8 hours, but i attribute that to the fact that we go to bed so early (9:30pm most nights). i wake up and pee, or roll over because my back is killing me, or i'm really really hot.
missing: a flatter stomach. by no means did I have 6 pack abs, or even a 2 pack. but i didn't have a 32 centimeter bowling ball hanging off me and that makes things difficult.
cravings/aversions: i'm making Jesse take me out for a Mexican fiesta tomorrow night and it's gonna be so good.
cries: last night. when i feel uncomfortable and things get hard, i resort to tearing up.

nursery: not quite ready (read, not at all ready). but! I have deemed the weekend of the 25th-26th as baby girl's nursery weekend! my shower is Saturday, therefore we will be loading up a bunch of stuff into the nursery and mama needs a place to put it all! Jesse has fully agreed. We will be prepping and painting that weekend, and I want to go to a craft store and get a couple of canvases to paint on some bible verses that are meaningful to us.
Jesse is: sweet and awful at the same time. can i say that? sweet in that the other morning before he left for work, he lifted up my shirt and kissed my belly goodbye. awful in that he expects me to do all the things i did before i was pregnant and i just physically cannot.
best moments: nothing yet this week, though tonight we are touring the hospital and pre-registering and tomorrow is my 32 week ultrasound. we haven't seen the baby in 10 weeks, i am so excited!

not so best moments: saturday. we woke up and went out for breakfast and either something i ate the night before, or that morning caused me to have diarrhea and vomiting all day. i was not in good shape.

looking forward to: so many things packed into this week! hospital tour, ultrasound, shower, seeing everyone i love, i'm very excited for it!

next appointment: tomorrow at 2! i really want to remember to ask about her height and weight (as best they can tell of course) and some labor questions. how long will she allow me to be pregnant before inducing me and how early can i go into labor before she stops it? how flexible is the hospital? birthing ball? getting up and walking around? 

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