Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Still here...

how far along: 39 Weeks, 2 Days

due date: 8/7, 5 days away, 12 days away from induction day, ? days until she's here?

size of the baby: a small watermelon. at this point mommy instincts puts her at over 7.5 pounds.

baby is: moving further into my pelvis if all this pelvic pain and pressure is any indication.

movement: good. she sort of just pushes on my belly. poor thing is running out of room.

gender: girl!

total weight gain: yikes, not sure. thought i was doing well keeping it at 25 pounds, but i haven't weighed myself in awhile, and i'm eating whatever the heck i want.

stretch marks: really none. i've lathered on the burt's bees belly butter every day and i've been lucky.

symptoms: oof. so Jesse and I decided to go out to eat on Friday night as it may be our last date night for awhile. while we were there, i started to feel very sick and nauseous. then the pain started. contractions and pelvic pressure and pain. i told Jesse and he rushed to get the check and get us out of there. he gathered up the go bags and I told him just to give me a minute. I was able to relax and the pain went away. then Saturday we had a pretty normal day and I was able to borrow a birthing ball from a mom friend of mine. I spent most of Saturday evening on it, trying to open up my pelvis and hips. Saturday night I woke up at 1:30 with the worst cramp I had ever felt. I went downstairs and sat on the ball, tried to stretch my back out as that was killing me too. Contractions were every 8 minutes, but then they subsided around 3:30am and I was able to fall back asleep. the entire time I kept wanting my water to break so it could be the real thing! now i'm learning this might have been prodromal labor? 

wedding rings on or off: they're on maternity leave.

belly button in or out: still flush.

maternity clothes: if not that, then sweatpants.
sleep: not great. last night wasn't bad, but i'm very uncomfortable and my body is waking up 30-45 minutes before my alarm every day. as if to say, ok you've been in this position too long, time to get up.

missing: nothing.

cravings/aversions: still really cold drinks.

cries: almost cried Saturday night from the pain, but I was able to get into positions to manage it. 

nursery: basically done! Jesse has constructed the bookshelves (baby steps people) but needs to hang them. hoping he does that today!

Jesse is: honestly he was pretty cute on Friday night. I told him how much pain I was in and he immediately wanted to get the check and grab our go bags and get out of the restaurant. He has also been opening the car door for me and helping me in and out, which has been very sweet.

best moments: i want the best moment to be today at my appointment. i want her to tell me I'm dilated and more effaced than last week. i want that!

not so best moments: i'm not sure. Saturday was painful, yes. and not progressing or anything happening was a bummer. but i really want the pain, i want to know i'm in labor.

looking forward to: having her!

next appointment: today at 3. from then i assume we will schedule the next appointment for next week and then we will be induced on the 14th!

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