how far along: 38 Weeks, 3 Days
due date: 8/7. 11 days until the due date and 18 until my induction date (if it comes to that)
due date: 8/7. 11 days until the due date and 18 until my induction date (if it comes to that)
size of the baby: a spaghetti squash, or around 6.5-9 pounds (probably 7.5 at this point) and 19-22 inches long. definitely big.
baby is: 50% effaced! i went to the doctor this morning and even though i am not dilated at all (boo), she is making progress. i texted my sister in law and told her it really felt like nothing and she said, "you know what nothing is? zero dilation and zero effacement and being induced". She was induced at 38 weeks 4 days due to preeclampsia and hadn't progressed at all.
movement: still pretty good. she's been doing this thing at night that feels like wiggling in my pelvis. it's funny feeling.
gender: baby girl Nina? Jesse and I tentatively chose Nina Lynn for her name. Nina was my great grandmother's name who passed 7 years ago and Lynn was the name of Jesse's mother who passed 9 years ago. It is also my middle name and my mother's middle name. So technically that is her name. Though it may change when she pops out! Nothing is official until it is written on that birth certificate!
total weight gain: still 25. I was 175.8 at the doctor's this morning.
stretch marks: do i even care anymore? nope.
stretch marks: do i even care anymore? nope.
symptoms: contractions and back pains, but nothing regular or constant. also i pulled something in my neck on Saturday night and it's been aching ever since.
wedding rings on or off: maybe we'll reunite in August.
belly button in or out: still flush.
wedding rings on or off: maybe we'll reunite in August.
belly button in or out: still flush.
maternity clothes: always. i wear the same 5 outfits to work every week because of the dang weather being in the upper 90's with humidity every day.
sleep: friday night I slept for 11 hours. 11 whole hours. it was glorious. it's been downhill ever since though.
missing: i don't even know. i can't remember not being pregnant. so i guess i'm not missing anything? sleep maybe.
cravings/aversions: chocolate milk and cold chocolate ice cream. anything super cold.
cries: nah not really. i haven't cried due to impatience or anything. at this point, my induction is scheduled for 8/14. i at least have an end date in sight. if i go before then, great! if i make it to the 14th, at least we'll have a baby girl on the other side of this whole ordeal.
nursery: the bookshelves came in yesterday. Jesse has a pretty full work week so I don't expect them to be hung before Saturday, but still, she isn't going to care whether or not she has shelves!
nursery: the bookshelves came in yesterday. Jesse has a pretty full work week so I don't expect them to be hung before Saturday, but still, she isn't going to care whether or not she has shelves!
Jesse is: so fed up with work. His boss is trying to get him to work even though he has tons of leave time and is taking 3 weeks off after I give birth. I can't wait to just be a family of three, hanging out at home.
best moments: last night was a good night. Jesse and I ate dinner, watched our show (Better Call Saul, so good!) took a long walk with Lucy and then we were able to squeeze in some intimate time. I was hoping it would jump start labor, but no such luck. I can't wait to be able to look at him or call him and say "i think my water broke"
not so best moments: working. my boss is back this week (yay!) so i don't feel as much stress and pressure, but i'm looking at the calendar and thinking, I can't have the baby this week, I still have to train the new guy. Then he goes on vacation, of course, next week, so I can't have her then! When can I have her?!
looking forward to: meeting my baby girl.
next appointment: Tuesday 8/2. That is my last scheduled appointment right now. I have a feeling they will want me to schedule another one then, for the 40 week check up. Hopefully I've dilated at the next one!
looking forward to: meeting my baby girl.
next appointment: Tuesday 8/2. That is my last scheduled appointment right now. I have a feeling they will want me to schedule another one then, for the 40 week check up. Hopefully I've dilated at the next one!
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