Thursday, June 9, 2016

Creeping in to 8 months!

how far along: 31 Weeks, 4 Days

due date: August 7th
size of the baby: 2.5-3.8 pounds and 16+ inches long. She will pack on more fat (half a pound a week!) until delivery.

baby is: hiccuping at least twice a day. I feel so bad for her, I hate the hiccups.

movement: it comes in waves. i can feel her when I'm lying in bed, or lounging on the couch or in my work chair. it's more fluid movements too, like when she's jabbing her feet into my ribs.
gender: a girl of course!
total weight gain: Still good! Everyone I see tells me I look great, which is really nice to hear. no massive weight gains *knocks on wood*. I still have 8ish weeks left, so hopefully I keep staying healthy!

stretch marks: just on the tops of my thighs around my hips. i'm not super concerned about it. i rub on the belly cream.

symptoms: reflux is no joke. it hits every single day and i'm left coughing and suffering if i don't immediately pop a tums.

wedding rings on or off: still on. though I've started getting dry skin underneath my rings now? whyyyy.

belly button in or out: still in. i had a really deep innie before, i'm not sure if it will pop out at all.
maternity clothes: yes of course. though i'm still getting away with wearing some shirts that aren't maternity, but today i'm wearing a maxi skirt (not maternity) and a t-shirt (not maternity) and i've felt it ride up my belly a couple times. not good..
sleep: or lack thereof. can't get comfortable, have to pee, get reflux. all this before 3am. my husband said i kept him up all night because i kept tossing and turning. i just cannot find a position that helps me.
missing: not being pregnant. i love having her with me all the time, but i am so ready to meet her. i just want my delivery to come and go and i can have her with me at home.
cravings/aversions: chocolate milk again. it seems to tame my reflux. plus i drink my morning smoothies and they are awesome.
cries: none that i can think of!

nursery: oh gosh. i spent most of Saturday morning scraping off the wall decals that have been there since we moved in 2+ years ago. got those off, Jesse got the old mattress out, now he just needs to tape and paint. my shower is next Saturday and I can't wait to get the crib set up. I might start ordering some wall hangings too!
Jesse is: starting to get sick of this pregnancy too I think. I keep him up at night, I can't move around as easily as I could, and I just can't do all the things I used to.
best moments: honestly? watching my registry. i know it's cheating to see things being bought, but i can't help peeking!

not so best moments: just being tired. i used to love at the end of the day when i could lay down and fall asleep. i would fall asleep in 10 minutes, and sleep straight through for 9 hours. that's over!

looking forward to: next appointment is an ultrasound so I am really looking forward to seeing her and finding out how big she is! plus my shower. getting everything we need set up and figured out. it's coming up fast!

next appointment: June 16.

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