Friday, October 3, 2014


This week's high five for Friday is all over the dang place! So let's get started.

1. The IUI procedure. (you knew I had to mention it right?) Even if this doesn't work, though I am praying it does, at least we tried.  At least we know now that I ovulate later than normal and that I grow eggs on my own and they mature on their own. At least we know.

2. I rescued this gal!  (Yes, it is a girl, it was confirmed by the vet.) Well technically, the rescue place in the town where I live rescued her, but I called them because she was in the construction yard where I work and she didn't look great. They picked her up and I hope she finds a nice family.

I called her Booger. She had an upper respiratory infection.

3. This maxi skirt.  Oh my gosh are we talking comfortable.  I've worn it twice, it's very chic (in my humble opinion) and I can't wait to wear it a ton more. Plus, I bought it on sale.


4. Kentucky in 2 weeks! Friends of ours are getting married in Kentucky and we decided to make a trip of it. We're leaving mid-October for 5 days.  I'm so excited for this slightly impromptu trip with the one I love the most.

5. My job.  I have one of the most supportive and understanding bosses in the world.  I've been here almost 6 months and I finally feel like I'm really jiving with everyone.  It feels good.

Linking up with!

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