Monday, September 22, 2014

The Weekenders

This weekend was truly busy. Busy and hot.  The temperature on Sunday rose to at least 80. Boo to summer rearing its ugly head again.

Friday night we did basically nothing. I was battling a cold all week and it finally took me down for the count on Friday morning.  I snuggled with kitties all day and ate leftover homemade chicken noodle soup (made by Jesse!).

Saturday we went yardsaling (not a word, don't judge) and Jesse found a bike.  He has been wanting one for awhile and at $60 for a new-ish bike in great condition, we knew we had to scoop it up.

I also found this truly adorable trivet.

Saturday afternoon we went to Jesse's grandfather's 90th birthday party.

Jesse has a large Italian family and all but 2 cousins were there.  I am very blessed to be a part of this extremely loving and generous family. I don't have a large family, and the family I have is spread across the East Coast.  It doesn't make for huge holiday get-togethers, but it does allow me to appreciate family even more.
Sorry for the blurry picture! Stupid iPhone.

So basically we ate delish food, celebrated a wonderful man, and hung out with some cool kids.

Sunday we went to the Maryland wine festival.  It took a bit of convincing on my part to get Jesse to go, because at $30 bucks a pop, it's an expensive way to spend a Sunday afternoon.  But we went and met up with my parents and some family friends.  I found pretty good wines.  I didn't purchase anything because I am sure I can find the wines in my town for possibly cheaper.  I'm really enjoying drinking Maryland wines.  I like knowing that my money goes back to my state, plus it just makes me feel more of that MD pride.

Again - stupid iPhone.

I had the windows open all last week, but finally closed them and turned the air on last night. It was such a bummer. But they were thrown open again this morning before I left for work, so I suppose I can't complain too much.

This boy.

P.S. - I'm done taking my medication for last week to increase my ovulation.  The appointment is this Wednesday and the reality is finally setting in that possibly, maybe, hopefully, don't count on it, don't get your hopes up, but it truly could be the month where we conceive.

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