how far along: 25 weeks, 4 days
size of the baby: a head of cabbage or cauliflower, but around 1.5-2 pounds and over a foot long!
baby is: she is wriggling all around and had the hiccups yesterday!
movement: the other day I wasn't feeling her as strongly so I called the doctor and they said not to worry. Well, I worried. So to perk her up, I drank a can of coke. She then kicked me like crazy and I felt like such a bad person for injecting her with tons of sugar just so I could feel better.
gender: still a girl ha.
total weight gain: this morning on the scale wasn't the greatest. I'm up 11 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Probably 15 overall from the weight I lost during the first trimester. Jesse and I haven't been eating very healthy the last week or so, but we are going to make more of an effort.
symptoms: heartburn and reflux. Also I've noticed I get the feeling I need to burp all the time but I can't push it out.
stretch marks: I think some on my thighs which is really not where I was expecting them.
stretch marks: I think some on my thighs which is really not where I was expecting them.
maternity clothes: yep! probably going to bite the bullet and order another pair of jeans, because they're just so good.
sleep: eh. Jesse has been having some rough nights, the house has been really hot, and we just haven't been sleeping well. by the time I fall back asleep after being woken up by Jesse or to pee, I only get a couple more hours and my body does not feel good.
missing: the warmer weather! it cooled way down yesterday and will stay rainy and cool the rest of the week which is a tad depressing considering we had such a beautiful weekend.
cries: not really. just a little depressing the way we've been feeling lately (think tired, tummy hurting, overall icky)
Jesse is: working really hard. he got paid yesterday and it was significantly higher because of all the overtime he's putting in. i'm super proud of him for working for this family, i just miss him being home more!
best moments: just Jesse loving on my belly. he will kiss it and pray over it and it's so sweet.
not so best moment: eating bad. we went out to dinner the last two nights and ordered really crap food and both woke up feeling crappy. i want this to be a healthy pregnancy. i have my gestational diabetes test next week and want to pass with flying colors.
not so best moment: eating bad. we went out to dinner the last two nights and ordered really crap food and both woke up feeling crappy. i want this to be a healthy pregnancy. i have my gestational diabetes test next week and want to pass with flying colors.
looking forward to: getting the nursery together. it's going to be a rainy weekend so i'm hoping we'll get stuff done in the house so that we can really start getting it together. plus, a trip to babies'r'us and target to complete our registry!