how far along: 20 weeks, 4 days
size of the baby: a banana or a head of endive lettuce (weird) or 13 ounces! Baby is officially 13 ounces yesterday according to the ultrasound
baby is: moving and kicking me like crazy.
movement: oh yes! I feel the baby all the time, sitting at work, standing at the printer, driving in the car, laying in bed. I wish Jesse could feel, it's so amazing.
gender: and our baby is a .....GIRL! I knew it, mother's instinct of course, ha. Our ultrasound confirmed that we have a little girl due in August and I am so excited!
total weight gain: according to the doctor, 5 pounds. Which for 5 months of pregnancy is not so bad! I'm hoping to only gain another 15. A pound of it is our dear daughter :)
symptoms: Not much this week. My belly has gotten bigger and I can really feel it pushing on me. It's tough wearing the belly band/jeans. It feels restricting.
stretch marks: I haven't seen one. I'm using the belly cream at least once a day, twice if I can remember.
stretch marks: I haven't seen one. I'm using the belly cream at least once a day, twice if I can remember.
maternity clothes: My belly band and leggings. The weather here is being kooky, cold one day, warm the next. I told my mom last night that I definitely want to go out to the mall and buy some good maternity jeans and a couple tops to last me through the spring.
sleep: pretty good. the pregnancy pillow helps a lot. I get up once or twice to pee, but usually I'm able to fall asleep again quickly.
missing: nothing! I'm so enjoying feeling her move around, finding out the sex, seeing her in the ultrasound, everything is peachy!
cravings/aversions: mmm nothing much, just good food. I'm making enchiladas tonight and I'm so excited. I had a small chocolate milkshake today after lunch and it was delish. Food is just so good again, it's awesome.
cries: nothing really! I was tearing up yesterday seeing her squirm around on the ultrasound, but I was just so happy to have my baby!
Jesse is: funny. we found out it was a girl, and I think he was a tad disappointed. But then we left the doctors office and had driven separately, so he helped me in the car and then said, "Be careful driving home, you've got my daughter in there." It was the sweetest.
best moments: yesterday's appointment. She's a baby girl, she weighs 13 ounces, she's healthy and happy. PLUS! she was being too stubborn yesterday so the ultrasound tech couldn't see all the chambers of her heart and we have to go back in 2 weeks to see her again. I'm hoping we get a great profile picture of her, when the tech put the ultrasound on my belly, she was staring right at us! I'll never forget seeing her look right at me (not looking at me but you know). It was crazy. Picking out nursery colors, registering for a crib, talking about baby girl names, all of it.
not so best moment: I can't even think of one. Everything has been so great lately, I really feel like this is our daughter and she is coming in August and I can't wait to meet her. Even what could have been bad, turned out great. The doctor told us that even though we opted not to do genetic testing at 10 weeks, the nurse practitioner sent out for it at my 16 week appointment without asking us. Everything came back negative, baby girl didn't pre-screen positive for any genetic disorders!
not so best moment: I can't even think of one. Everything has been so great lately, I really feel like this is our daughter and she is coming in August and I can't wait to meet her. Even what could have been bad, turned out great. The doctor told us that even though we opted not to do genetic testing at 10 weeks, the nurse practitioner sent out for it at my 16 week appointment without asking us. Everything came back negative, baby girl didn't pre-screen positive for any genetic disorders!
looking forward to: 4/7 is our next appointment with an ultrasound again, we are so lucky!